I don’t think I will ever be able to put into words how grateful I am that you saw my daughter for all that she is today and all that she is yet to become.
Tammie Sommer
Welcome to Julie Billiart Schools, a family of K-8 coeducational, catholic schools for children with learning and social differences.
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For more than 60 years, Julie Billiart Schools’ incredible students have overcome obstacles and charted their own individual paths to success. This is due, in large part, to generous individuals and community partners whose support lays the building blocks for our kids’ growth and resilience.
When you choose to support JB, you’re upholding the values instilled by our founding Sisters of Notre Dame and our namesake, St. Julie Billiart. Every morning, our kids say a prayer to St. Julie, who, “just as a sunflower turns its face to the sun,” turned her heart toward God. Our kids pray for strong faith, the capacity to see goodness in their lives, and the ability to spread God’s goodness wherever and however they can.
Your gift helps our kids see the goodness all around them - in their teachers’ devoted attention, in their classmates’ kind smiles and understanding, and in the academic and social development goals they surpass. Without your support of Julie Billiart Schools, many of our kids couldn’t receive the whole-child approach to education that allows them to thrive.
As an educational, social, and moral commitment, we are dedicated to welcoming students who need Julie Billiart Schools, regardless of their financial standing. From families seeking early intervention to those looking to give their middle schoolers a fighting chance before transitioning to high school, families of K-8 students across Northeast Ohio look to JB for an education they can’t get anywhere else.
Your gift to the Julie Fund, or any other JB fund, planned gift, or challenge you choose to support, means students with special learning needs can receive the programs, therapies, and support they need to be academically and socially successful. Your generosity helps us ensure that children from all socio-economic backgrounds can thrive in the JB setting.
You’re choosing to help our children turn their faces toward the sun.
If you are unable to make a donation at this time, please send an email to Advancement with a message of encouragement and support for our students.
Your gift immediately and directly supports the academic, social, and emotional growth of our kids and sets a foundation for a lifetime of success.
Join Julie Billiart Schools for our annual Celebrate Gala, the largest fundraising event of the year.
Your gift to The Julie Fund is a lasting investment in Julie Billiart Schools’ students, faculty, and mission.
Find the method of support that works for you. The many ways to support Julie Billiart Schools are as unique as our donors.