

Welcome to Julie Billiart Schools, a family of K-8 coeducational, catholic schools for children with learning and social differences.


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Julie Billiart Schools offer a unique, whole-child education program for children in grades K-8. 

Students are grouped into four different grade bands (K-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8). Grade bands allow certified intervention specialists to break students into small groups based on ability. Students may join higher or lower grades within their bands based on their current needs and abilities for each subject. 

Students enjoy a 6:1 student to teacher ratio in grades K-2. Each grade has two dedicated intervention specialists. Each grade features a main classroom and a resource room so that kids have more room for one-on-one instructions, small group instruction, and brain breaks. 

A Foundation for Growth 

K-2 sets the foundational skills that help students prepare for upper grades. Math, science, and English language arts are rounded out by social studies and religion. Our hidden curriculum helps fill gaps that our kids may have. While neuro-typical kids start school with a basic understanding of social skills or are able to quickly grasp these concepts through observation, non-typical children often benefit from more explicit instruction in these areas. We intentionally integrate concepts like compromising, taking turns, not shouting, making appropriate eye contact, active listening, waiting, and being flexible into our curriculum. 

Executive Functioning 

Our littlest learners spend the first twenty minutes of each day practicing executive functioning skills. Intervention specialists teach songs and playful activities that help kids visualize and practice what’s expected of them in a school setting. They learn to put away their backpacks and prepare their minds and bodies for a day of learning and fun. Throughout the day, executive functioning is demonstrated by breaking large assignments into small chunks, organizing thoughts, initiating tasks, and maintaining the focus and attention toward the things they’re working on in class. 

Group Work

In our younger grades, instruction starts with a whole group, teacher-led approach to lessons. After a morning lesson, children visit different centers within the classroom and resource room to practice new concepts and skills. All JB classrooms are equipped with flexible seating and accommodations for kids with learning differences. Kindergarten contains the most tactile of these - including swings, standing desks, trampolines, and exercise balls. Intervention specialists and therapists work with K-2 to help them identify, understand, and advocate for their own needs. By the time kids get into third or fourth grade, they feel comfortable asking for a brain break or a certain accommodation. 

Therapies and Specials

Our onsite occupational therapist may push into the classroom to help young kids with securing buttons, tying their shoes, handwriting, and other fine motor skills. A speech therapist visits the class each week to help kids practice recognizing peers, initializing play opportunities, and beginning pragmatic/conversation skills. K-2 enjoys weekly prayer service and physical education, as well as music and art therapy. 

Recess and Lunch 

All kiddos enjoy two recesses each day. We’ve found that two short recesses help kids break up the day and become re-energized for classroom instruction. Grade bands often take recess and lunch as a group. Students bring their own lunch to school. 


K-2 partakes in 45 minutes a day of math instruction using the MyMath program. Daily religion studies focus on not only Catholic teaching, but helping kids to become strong community members who embody the JB Way. Science and social studies take place for 60-90 minutes every other day. English Language Arts (ELA) is composed of reading, writing, phonics, and word-study instruction. ELA, which may be taught together or spaced out throughout the day, makes up about 130 minutes of instruction. Fundations serves as a prevention program to help reduce reading and spelling failure. Students in grades K-2 practice critical ELA foundational skills, emphasizing:

  • Phonemic awareness
  • Phonics/ word study
  • High frequency word study
  • Reading fluency
  • Vocabulary
  • Comprehension strategies 
  • Handwriting
  • Spelling


From an early age, children receive a strong introduction to computer education. All classrooms are equipped with ActivBoards and Chromebooks. K-2 uses SeeSaw as a learning platform. Little learners play keyboard games and other multi-sensory, group-games that fuse technology, learning, and fun. 

open-quote They have all the resources necessary, specialized to the individual learning of each child, and the heart that goes with it. I don't think we would have stayed in Ohio if it wasn't for JB! close-quote

JB Parent

open-quote Julie Billiart Schools gave us hope after our daughter was diagnosed with a learning disability. At JB, she thrived in the small classes, received necessary therapies, and developed the self-confidence to ask for help when she needed it. close-quote

JB Parent

open-quote My kids love everything about JB and look forward to going to school every day and seeing their friends and teachers. JB is truly a one of a kind school enriching young lives everyday. close-quote

JB Parent

open-quote Julie Billiart Schools has helped my child become a better version of himself. The teachers and therapists at JB really know and understand how to reach children who learn differently. close-quote

JB Parent

open-quote All of the teachers and staff at JB are patient and willing to take the extra time to make sure we, as parents, understand and are comfortable. close-quote

JB Parent

open-quote I don’t think I will ever be able to put into words how grateful I am that you saw my daughter for all that she is today and all that she is yet to become. close-quote

Tammie Sommer

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