

Welcome to Julie Billiart Schools, a family of K-8 coeducational, catholic schools for children with learning and social differences.


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Wednesday, January 12, 2022

We understand that special education can feel like alphabet soup at times. That’s why we put together a short glossary of common acronyms and their meanings for your reference.

ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis
ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder
ASP - Autism Scholarship Program
BIP - Behavior Intervention Plan
DD - Developmental Delay
ED - Emotional Disturbance
ETR - Evaluation Team Report
FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education
FBA - Functional Behavior Assessment
ID - Intellectual Disability
IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Act
IEP - Individualized Education Program
JPSN Scholarship - Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship
LD - Learning Disability
LRE - Least Restrictive Environment
MDT - Multidisciplinary Team
ODD - Oppositional Defiance Disorder
OHI - Other Health Impairment
OI - Orthopedic Impairment
OT - Occupational Therapist
PT - Physical Therapist
SLD - Specific Learning Disability
SLI - Speech Language Impairment
SLP - Speech Language Pathologist
SPED/Spec Ed - Special Education
TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury

We recognize that this list only scratches the surface of the acronyms used in the special education world, which is why we encourage all families to ask questions. If you are unsure of anything being explained to you by your child’s education and therapy team, it is okay to ask for clarification.

open-quote My kids love everything about JB and look forward to going to school every day and seeing their friends and teachers. JB is truly a one of a kind school enriching young lives everyday. close-quote

JB Parent

open-quote All of the teachers and staff at JB are patient and willing to take the extra time to make sure we, as parents, understand and are comfortable. close-quote

JB Parent

open-quote Julie Billiart Schools has helped my child become a better version of himself. The teachers and therapists at JB really know and understand how to reach children who learn differently. close-quote

JB Parent

open-quote I don’t think I will ever be able to put into words how grateful I am that you saw my daughter for all that she is today and all that she is yet to become. close-quote

Tammie Sommer

open-quote They have all the resources necessary, specialized to the individual learning of each child, and the heart that goes with it. I don't think we would have stayed in Ohio if it wasn't for JB! close-quote

JB Parent

open-quote Julie Billiart Schools gave us hope after our daughter was diagnosed with a learning disability. At JB, she thrived in the small classes, received necessary therapies, and developed the self-confidence to ask for help when she needed it. close-quote

JB Parent

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