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Welcome to Julie Billiart Schools, a family of K-8 coeducational, catholic schools for children with learning and social differences.


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Saturday, December 16, 2023

Accommodations vs. Modifications: Understanding The JB Curriculum

It is essential that children have access to an educational environment that adapts to his or her needs as a student. Having an appropriate curriculum allows them to grow and thrive within the classroom, but we must recognize that not every child learns in the same way. Sometimes it is necessary to provide students with specific accommodations or curriculum modifications to help them learn and be successful.

So what’s the difference between accommodations and modifications?

Accommodations are adjustments to a student’s methods or materials that can help them overcome or work around their disability without reducing learning expectations. Accommodations change how a child works through the curriculum but do not change the content of the curriculum itself. Some examples of common accommodations include a peer notetaker, the use of a spell-checker, or extended time on assignments. These allow students to learn in a way that works best for their learning styles and needs. At JB, we provide our students with many different accommodations like our small class sizes, repetition and reteaching of concepts, and predictable structure and routines.

Modifications, on the other hand, are changes to what is being taught or to classroom expectations. Modifications typically alter the content of grade-specific curriculum, depending on a student’s needs and abilities. Examples of modifications include a reduction in homework assignments, tests written at a lower level, or simplified vocabulary and concepts. Modifications specifically change the curriculum to improve a student’s chances of academic success.

At JB, we understand that students learn best when their differences are understood and accepted, when appropriate accommodations are made available, and most importantly, when their strengths as learners are defined, affirmed, and cultivated. We are accredited by the Ohio Catholic Schools Accrediting Association (OCSAA) as part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland through the State of Ohio and follow the Cleveland Catholic Diocese and Ohio Department of Education course of studies. We do not make modifications to the curriculum our students follow, but we do make appropriate accommodations in an effort to set our students up for success. JB offers many accommodations to students including visual schedules, direct instruction for social skills, and extra time for assignments. We believe that children flourish when he or she is provided with a loving and accepting environment.

Learn more about JB’s curriculum here!

open-quote They have all the resources necessary, specialized to the individual learning of each child, and the heart that goes with it. I don't think we would have stayed in Ohio if it wasn't for JB! close-quote

JB Parent

open-quote Julie Billiart Schools has helped my child become a better version of himself. The teachers and therapists at JB really know and understand how to reach children who learn differently. close-quote

JB Parent

open-quote I don’t think I will ever be able to put into words how grateful I am that you saw my daughter for all that she is today and all that she is yet to become. close-quote

Tammie Sommer

open-quote All of the teachers and staff at JB are patient and willing to take the extra time to make sure we, as parents, understand and are comfortable. close-quote

JB Parent

open-quote Julie Billiart Schools gave us hope after our daughter was diagnosed with a learning disability. At JB, she thrived in the small classes, received necessary therapies, and developed the self-confidence to ask for help when she needed it. close-quote

JB Parent

open-quote My kids love everything about JB and look forward to going to school every day and seeing their friends and teachers. JB is truly a one of a kind school enriching young lives everyday. close-quote

JB Parent

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